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You Name It, We've Done It!

Front End


Data Management


Mass Email

Push Notifications

Data Scraping

PDF Generation

File Management


3rd Party Integration

App Gui



Client Access


Internal Messaging

Cron Jobs

Email Parsing


Front End

Front EndWhat's This?

This is your company's way of telling the world who you are.

This includes:

  • Eye-catching homepage
  • Company page
  • Services page
  • Contact Page
  • Team headshots and bios
  • Testimonials

Obviously, websites are designed with all mobile devices in mind. All design is adaptive and responsive, so YOUR website can be viewed in ALL its glory on the go!

Select from the following add-ons:

  • Image gallery
  • Product showcase
  • Project showcase
  • Ecommerce
  • History
  • Donation
  • Endorsements

Need even more?
For client access as part of your front end, continue to our Client Access module.


LoginWhat's This?

This is an integral component of your backend. It specifies who has access to what.

It includes:

  • The login screen
  • Forgot password (1 or 2 step)
  • Multiple access levels such as, master administration, supervisor, employee, billing department, etc.
  • Detailed roles and permissions such as, full access, read only, partial page access (View some data, but not all), partial functionality access (perform some actions, but not all)

For sites with customer accounts:

  • The signup page
  • Rules regarding password strength
  • Add/edit data as per system requirements
  • View reports as specified
  • Change settings

For Apps, it can include:

  • Fingerprint/Touch ID support
  • Remember Me for users to login without having to enter password
  • Recaptcha and additional security to prevent hacking

Sample sites where we've used this module:

Data Management

Data ManagementWhat's This?

This is where you manage your data.

Some aspects of data management:

  • Add/edit/delete clients.
  • Add/edit/delete any data that comprises your business workflow.
  • Activate/deactivate entities.
  • View lists of entities.
  • Search entities by filters of your choice.
  • Maintain lists, for use in dropdowns that present a list of static (or dynamic) options.
  • Schedule tasks.
  • Assign user roles and permissions.

Need to view summaries of your data?
See our section on reports.


ReportsWhat's This?

This where all your data comes together.

Our reports can:

  • Generate reports by date range, quarter, site, or agent.
  • Calculate totals, averages or by individual record.
  • Use dynamic pivot grids to view your data more than one way.
  • Reports by status
  • Financial reports
  • Inventory reports
  • Login reports
  • View logs

Need More?
Check out our Calendar and Dashboard features.

Mass Email

Mass EmailWhat's This?

Ever wish you could email certain groups of your contacts a mass email?

Customize this code any way you like!

  • Email only your building managers, or only your tenants.
    Both your teachers and your supervisors, but not your therapists. Or email everyone your schedule.
  • Your provider has limits on how many emails you can send per hour? No problem. We can stagger the emails in batches.
  • Also, get reports of failed emails, so you can ensure that you get updated contact info.

Need intra-office messaging?
Want to boost communication and efficiency between your staff members? Continue to our Internal Messaging module.

Sample sites where we've used this module:

Push Notifications

Push NotificationsWhat's This?

Message your clients directly... from within the app!
Want to remind them of an upcoming Deadline? Event? To-Do?
Communicate directly via push notifications!

Push notifications can:

  • be integrated for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Be sent to specific clients/users or all participants.
  • Can be clickable to allow for direct action to be taken within the app.
  • Scheduled to remind at specific intervals or in real-time.

Sample sites where we've used this module:

Data Scraping

Data ScrapingWhat's This?

Sometimes, you need information from a website that doesn't have an api, (system where you can obtain the information programmatically).

That's where data scraping comes into the picture.

Data scraping or mining reads the info directly off the webpages by parsing the HTML, following links to different pages as necessary.
We have also done cases where the site requires login, using our own method.

Sample sites where we've used this module:

PDF Generation

PDF GenerationWhat's This?

This is one of the most time-saving features we offer, and it also ensures accuracy!

Generate your PDF forms programmatically, and gain peace of mind.

  • Government forms - prefill forms with relevant data.
  • Print invoices or checks directly from your custom program.
  • Mail merge simulation.
  • Email prefilled pdfs to specific parties.
  • Generate reports as PDF.

Sample sites where we've used this module:

File/Image Management

File/Image ManagementWhat's This?

Integrate file uploading directly in your webpage or app. Store these files securely on your own server or the cloud.

Need supporting documentation? You can get it in your program/app!

  • File uploaders for one or more file attachements
  • Specify file extensions type (such as .jpg, .png, or .pdfs)
  • Limit file attachment sizes, or compress files upon uploading
  • Convert files to pdf and combine multiple attachment into one file
  • Rename and save files to organized directories
  • Integrate with camera or images folder via app
  • File preview in webpage or app

Need more tweaking with you pdf documents? Check our section on PDF Generation.

Sample sites where we've used this module:


CalendarWhat's This?

This is exactly what it sounds like.

With the calendar feature, you can:

  • Display daily, weekly or monthly calendar.
  • Add items to your schedule.
  • Have different schedules for each user.
  • Edit/Delete items from your schedule.
  • Display certain days in different colors.

Sample sites where we've used this module:

3rd Party Integration

3rd Party IntegrationWhat's This?

Need to integrate your website with an outside service?
Import or export data to/from spreadsheets, databases, service providers?

Some of the integrations we've done:

  • Infusionsoft
  • Suppliers' daily stock availability
  • Lead providers
  • Custom shipping services
  • Credit Card Accounts
  • Echeck
  • Amazon
  • Various POS systems
  • Merging multiple sources into a single system
  • Email Parsing
  • Android/iOS SDKs (for apps)

As long as you have access to an account, and they have an API, we can work with it.
No API? Check our section on Data Scraping.

Sample sites where we've used this module:

  • Kraus Car Shipping
  • Private Client
  • Promos Online
  • The Grand
  • RingBringUSA
  • Extensify
  • Only Kosher Wine
  • Dollar Store Wholesale Items


App GUIWhat's This?

Put your best face forward on a mobile device!
Let your app look engaging to the end-user!

App GUI/Design can include:

  • Eye-catching splash screen
  • User-friendly dashboard and navigation
  • Attractive design on multiple screens
  • User profile screen
  • Progress indicators
  • File previews
  • Embedded browsers

Sample sites where we've used this module:


DashboardWhat's This?

Your dashboard is the first screen you see after you log in.
You can have separate dashboards for different levels of access, as well as for your client portal.

We suggest:

  • Put your most frequently accessed tasks.
  • Also, links to reports that are most important
  • Include numbers that are important for to see at a glance: how many open cases, how much revenue you earned, gross & net. You can have these in graph format.

We will design it so that the dashboard is user friendly and doesn't look overcrowded.

Sample sites where we've used this module:

  • All of our clients have dashboards, but none are accessible without an account.


WorkflowWhat's This?

After data management, this is where most of action happens.

Move clients to new status with the click of a button.
Or, better yet, let us know what criteria has to be met in order for a client to be moved to a different status, and we will change it for you as soon as those criteria are met.

For example, if you are a hair salon, you might start out clients as pending, As soon as they make as appointment, the status would automatically change to active, and if they keep the appt, (or cancel) they would be marked as active dormant.

(You would also be able to track how many appointments and cancellations a particular client has, and flag those with a history of cancelling. See logging.)

Client Access

Client AccessWhat's This?

Do you and your staff spend too much time on the phone giving clients information about their accounts? No More!
With a client portal, they can access this information on their own.

The best parts:
Clients will be able to:

  • View documents/images/invoices linked to their account.
  • View reports of activity on their account.
  • Pay invoices.
  • Ask questions pertaining to their accounts, which can convert into a support ticket if required.
  • View upcoming schedules and deadlines.
  • Receive reminders for info, payments, or document submission.
  • Any other form of interaction with a client, industry specific.

And of course the usual:

  • Change password.
  • Update account information.
  • Change credit card.


BillingWhat's This?

Simplify your billing by customizing it your needs.

With our billing module you can:

  • Hourly employee payments, by having employees log their hours.
  • Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly salaries, or pay them every time they hit a certain number of hours.
  • Different rates for each employees.
  • Automated client billing, (based on the same hourly rate, if applicable).
  • Option of tiered rates for client billing.
  • Monthly automated charges, (for subscriptions, service or maintenance).
  • Accept one-time customer payments, and apply it to their invoice(s)

Sample sites where we've used this module:

Internal Messaging

Internal MessagingWhat's This?

Sometimes you to have employees (and clients) communicate with each other within your system.

When would this apply?
If the threads are related directly to cases, it's more convenient to have the conversation linked to the case.
If there are multiple aspects to the client record, and there can be multiple threads for each case, it becomes even more crucial to have the messaging built into each aspect.

Are clients involved?
You can send each message to multiple recipients and set to reply all (unless otherwise specified). Insert the case details, customer id, and issue programmatically into each message. No need to type, and less room for mistakes. Eliminate breach of confidentiality caused by sending emails to the wrong recipient!

Sample sites where we've used this module:

Cron Jobs

Cron JobsWhat's This?

These are task that are completely automated. They are scheduled to run on their own at times specified by you. They can be run anywhere between every 15 minutes, and once a month.

  • Imports
  • Site scraping to check for additions or changes
  • Charge credit cards of only active subscribers to your service
  • Send reminder emails to your staff or clients
  • Check for new leads
  • Check for new emails (See email parsing)
  • Automated billing

Sample sites where we've used this module:

Email Parsing

Email ParsingWhat's This?

We can check for and parse incoming emails.
As long as each one an expected format, we can parse almost at email and use the information in it to do anything you like.

We Can:

  • Save it to the database.
  • Forward it to a different person.
  • Reply to the email.
  • Run any list of instructions based on the data that we find.
  • Parse multiple input sources in different formats by mapping them according to the field we need.

Sample sites where we've used this module:

  • Auto Transport
  • Private Client (site not yet launched)


LogsWhat's This?

Need to know...
When data was changed?
By whom?
Was a particular email sent out?
Who logged into the system?
What time?
Enter detailed logs!
You can log any action done on your backend.

This helps with:

  • Eliminating misdirected blame.
  • Personnel accountability.
  • Reporting.
  • Diagnosing an issue related to data mix-up.
  • Tracking emails.
  • Checking up on automated tasks

Sample sites where we've used this module:

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